Monday, October 11, 2010

Dating my friends(.)(?)

Aaaand we're back!  I've got a couple of months worth of catching up to do.  I've had several meet-ups between then and now, and I've let updates go the way of many other best laid plans.  I am excited to get them all caught up and posted.  This post was written on 5/19:

This is my girlfriend Danielle,

or as I affectionally refer to her (in somewhat shortened written form) Dani-L. There's something cool about the hyphen I think. Anyway, I first introduced Dani-L a couple posts ago, when we went out on our own official face to facebook meet up. Dani-L has been a great supporter of the project, which I appreciate immensely. She's given me great ideas and feedback from time to time, and continues to do so. The only snag (which is a "giant, knitted sweater caught on a rusty jagged nail that hooks and attempts to unspool the entire garment literally at the seams" kind of snag) is that many of my friends and Facebook friends, happen to have two X chromosomes.

Yes, I have always, and still to this day continue to have (what most would consider) lots of female friends. I've heard and had every conversation on the topic that one would want to, or even try to avoid having. Let me put this in context by saying that anyone who knows me... and even most people who know of me, probably know that I am a friendly guy. I am a people person to the Nth degree, and I make friends just about anywhere I go. It's who I am, it's how I was raised, and until a few years back... that had been consistent. After 3 years of barely speaking to or seeing any of my friends, I left a toxic relationship, began re-becoming myself again, joined Facebook, and started reconnecting with the dozens, scores, even hundreds of people I'd missed over the years. Dani-L and I have been going out now for just over a year, and though she appreciates my general congeniality, she is not thrilled by the fact that I have so many female friends and potential female friends for that matter. I do have lots of XY friends also though, but when you're a man with a girlfriend, the female ones take on new and greater meaning to your significant other... at least in my experience.

As an essential part of this project, I am hanging out with some people who I might not know very well. Because I may potentially hang out with women who I don't know very well, Dani-L believes that I am essentially "Dating my (female) friends". I would think that the vast majority of the female friends I've hung out with over the years, as friends, would not think of the times we've hung out as dates. I could be wrong though. Dani-L pointed out that some women may have thought we were on a date even if I had not. This struck me.  I may be naive, and/or too literal... but I'd always assumed that when people, no matter what sex, agree to hang out, they are doing so for whatever the reason is that they have agreed upon. Ie. "Let's go to a museum!", would mean... "I would like to go to a museum and view exceptional artwork, would you like to do so as well, and perhaps converse about the shared experience?" Apparently, this is not necessarily the case. I will admit that it's possible. "Lunch" or "Dinner", might not always be just a meal. There are times where you get to know someone better, and sometimes for the purpose of pursuing a relationship with that person. However; I do think it is possible, for a man and a woman to hang out without one or the other thinking with any degree of seriousness about being together romantically. THEN I looked up the word "date", and this is what came up:

"a social appointment, engagement, or occasion arranged beforehand with another person: to go out on a date on Saturday night."

Apparently I have been dating my friends all along, men and women alike! Something about that definition made it seem as if this whole conversation (trying not to call it an argument) was a lot less serious than it needed to be. If dating is just arranging a meet-up with a person, and then meeting up... why such a big deal? Then I found this more thorough definition of "Dating":

"Dating is a form of courtship, and may include any social activity undertaken by, typically, two persons with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. The word refers to the act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity. Traditional dating activities include entertainment or a meal."

Ahhhh... so there must be an "Aim"! Dating is really interviewing for potential life-partners. So I suppose it is possible for two people to "go out" (another loaded term), one thinking they are on a "date" (definition 1), and one thinking they are "dating" (definition 2). When I hang out with my female friends, I'm not sizing them up as potential life mates. Could they be sizing me up? Have they? Again, I acknowledge that it's possible, but I give people the benefit of the doubt, and don't assume someones' intentions are to steal me away from my girlfriend. Did you see her up there? She's beautiful. I'm not trying to find someone else that I can spend my future with, I'm trying to get to know the people that are or might be my "friends".

The whole process is still pretty slow going so far. I've only met up with 15 friends so far, out of about 370. The count is 6 females (including my girlfriend) and 9 males. Dani-L pointed out that lots of women might not want to hang out with me because they have boyfriends or husbands, which I completely understand. If anyone feels uncomfortable hanging out with me for any reason, I'm glad to know it, and wouldn't want to put someone else in an uncomfortable situation. We don't necessarily need to hang out together face to face to be friends.

I like finding likeminded people. I like hanging out with diverse groups and individuals, and I really enjoy having groups of friends that represent a huge range of eclectic interests, tastes, viewpoints, etc. What makes this project challenging is that getting to know friends better, is different than getting to know "friends" better.

I'm sure this will be a topic that comes up again, but for now, I look forward to any feedback.
What do you all think? Am I dating my friends? Do you date yours? Can men and women hang out as friends?

Am I the worlds... worst... boyfriend for attempting this?

Bring the pain.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Minus 365

It looks like the header at the top of the page reads "Face to Facebook 'minus' 365". That might work!

I'd been thinking for a while about making a change to the project. 2010 is just about halfway finished, and I've had quite a wake up call regarding the timing of this experiment. For some reason, it seemed to me in the planning stages that meeting up with 311 friends in 365 days was at least plausible. "I've got weekends, I've got the summer, I can head out after work a couple of times a week...", I told myself. I also hadn't considered that my own schedule wasn't the only one that I had to... well, consider. Add to that, that I am a person who loves structure. I like calendars and lists and plans, even if I don't end up sticking to them. The "year" idea gave me a measurable goal, but didn't account for much more than that. I would end up rushing at the end of the year to cram in a bunch of people for micro-meet ups, which would be more about checking names off than getting to know people. What is some of my friends were unavailable until Jan. 1st 2011? Would I delete them to release myself from the responsibility?

Now I'm ready to stretch this out. I'm going to extend this project to give me and my friends (and my "friends") ample time to meet up and get to know each other... if they so choose. It also helps with the fact that my friends list has grown from 311 to 370+ since this began. Now this is more of an ongoing mission, rather than a race.

So to all of those people on my friends list, I look forward to seeing you sooner... or later!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Greatest form of flattery?

Just saw a commercial for this phone called the KIN, and am wondering if their marketing people stopped by my blog before starting this campaign. I've been calling it a project or a social experiment, they call it"The Journey".

They have all of the flash, glitz, catchy hipster music, pseudo documentary styled shaky yet professional camera work, witty dialogue (and monologue), and relatable, comedic situations that leave my humble blog in the proverbial cyber dust. I started thinking... "Wow, that's like what I'm doing!", then, "Wait... that's... what I'M doing.", then finally, "...Shouldn't I be getting a check, or a free phone or something?" I wondered at first if this was a legit project, and if the people undertaking "The Journey" were actual people like me, who had a hunger to explore their digital/genuine or supposed relationships/friendships... and who happen to have a dope looking phone and computer program to help them. The more I watch though, the more I quickly realized, that this is a very slickly made campaign, with actors that look like people you or I might have on our friends list. Anyway, I'm taking it as a compliment for now, and am secure in the knowledge that what I'm learning and gaining from my own project, is more valuable than a couple thousand youtube hits, and a fancy phone.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finding 2

Face to face conversations are much better than IM convos... much more enjoyable anyway. I like when more of my senses come into play to help understand all of the nuances behind what someone is saying/feeling. Emotional response > Emoticons :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Making new friends by keeping the old

Have you known most of your FB friends for a while? Months? Years? Decades? I've got some that fall into each category. Last night I finally got to have one of the meet-ups I've been trying to plan for a very long while. After finding several classmates from my kindergarten class (at Hackensack Christian School) on FB, I started to think that it might be pretty neat to get together with as many of them as were willing, and see how and what everyone is doing face to face. The initial excitement happens when requests are accepted, pics from over two decades ago are posted, and comments are flying back and forth between classmates from forever ago. It dies down over time when the novelty wears off, but not so much for me. Eventually I posted an event page for a mini-reunion and tried to send out invites to every classmate I could find. Over a couple of months, several people expressed interest and even excitement, though unfortunately not everyone was able to, or interested in making it. Some people are traveling or living far away, and some are probably just not as enthused as I, about the prospect of meeting up with people you knew when you were 4. That said, I had a great time out with two of my former classmates: Jennifer and La Toya.

We all met up for dinner in town, as we're all pretty local. Jens' friend Jenissa came along also. She is an HCS alum as well, though after I'd left the school in kindergarten. Jen, Jenissa and La Toya all spent several more years than I at the school. It was funny hearing stories about kids, teachers, etc. that I'd only known briefly. Felt kind of like hearing the continued plot of a cancelled sitcom, and thinking... ahhhh, THAT'S what happened to them! We looked and laughed at some old pictures and told stories from the early 80's. The food was great! complimented the company well.

Jen works in the drug... er... pharmaceutical industry. I can't remember what our conversations were like back in school, but it turns out we've STILL got a few things in common these days. We both dig country music, though I defer to Jenns' passionate devotion to Nashville and Mr. Brad Paisley. It took me a while to come around to country, but as of a few years back, I'm sold! She's also a 'Lost' fan, and is currently a fraction of a season behind me, and the rest of the viewing public that is currently caught up. Apparently she got sucked in just as I did. She has a ridiculously handsome iguana, is lots of fun, and has awesome energy. We talked about bowling and *gulp* ...karaoke in the future.

I've known La Toya since kindergarten and through the following years as well. She came into middle school with me and our families have had ties for a while as well. It hadn't been that long since I'd seen La Toya, but it's been recently that I found out that we share a passion for art. She even told me about some work she'd done that I'd admired in high school, never knowing it was hers. I work and am friends with La Toya's mom Theresa as well. My girlfriend Danielle (who also came to enjoy dinner along with her mom Candy) is very close friends with Theresa, so expect to see her up here for a meet-up as well. I know I'll be seeing La Toya around again. We bump into each other every now and then, but this was the first time I can remember sitting down and hanging out. ALSO, La Toya has a great smile (see above), very much like her mom. The night really turned out great.

Coolest surprise of the night was when our friend and classmate Kera showed up. She could only stay for a minute, but I think it was great that she popped in to say hello. Hopefully we can get her and a bunch of others out the next time we try to do this. So to my long lost and seemingly forgotten friends, hidden among the hundreds of other FB friends... hit me up! What's 24 years?

Face to Face #10: 2 friends

Friend count: 15

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Heights

I was very excited when I got a response from my friend Orlando with an invitation to meet up. Orlando suggested we go try a passion of his... rock climbing.
Orlando and I went to school together from middle school through high school. We'd always gotten along and shared some similar interests and friends, but now, 10 years later, we've actually got quite a bit in common.
I had often thought about rock climbing. I had always thought that rock climbing was all about getting as high as you can... on a rock. I've climbed rocky surfaces while hiking and enjoyed it, but todays experience was far beyond what I'd expected. Orlando met me at the high school we both attended. I was there to watch one of my students who was competing in a track meet. We stayed for a while, conversing and catching up about the past 10 years and our lives today. Orlando left our town soon after high school. He has spent the past several years furthering his education, doing volunteer work, and adventuring in several countries around the world. We share a love of exotic foods, different cultures, and traveling. Both of us would enjoy packing a backpack and being dropped 'anywhere but here'. Orlando started Climbing in Hawaii where he lived and went to school, and experienced an earthquake while on the rock. One of those experiences that either endears you to the sport, or keeps you away from it for good. Orlando was hooked. We went to an indoor rock gym today and it was awesome!
Not only was it an incredible physical workout, but an intense physical and mental challenge. It's like solving puzzles that require total focus and complete physical engagement. In a split second, you have to make decisions about which hold to grab, how to hold it, where to place your feet, etc. Orlando mentioned that one of the reasons he loves climbing, is because it's the only time that his mind is truly clear of anything else. I can definitely understand that. I was completely focused on my next move at every point. Orlando is a very good climber, and I hope to eventually be one as well. This was a fantastic experience that I'd like to try to do regularly. Great hanging out with Orlando.

Face to Face #9: 1 friend

Friend count: 13

Friday, April 23, 2010


For my most recent meet up, I hung out with my girlfriend Danielle. We've been in school together from elementary school through high school, then met up again years later both working at the same elementary school we attended. It's been one year since we started going out, and we decided to go to one of the first places we went together to grab a bite... well, lots of bites actually. We decided to satisfy two cravings that we share: a love of cupcakes, and a royal delicacy.

We started off grabbing a box of our favorite cupcakes from Sweet Avenue Bake Shop. in Rutherford, NJ. This is a vegan bake shop that specializes in ridiculously delicious specialty cupcakes. I actually brought a small present for the owners, but they weren't there at the time... so, there is another meet up in the works, as I am a fan of theirs on FB. We got a bunch of our favorite "old skool" cupcake, one other, and were on our way to our royal destination. Every good New Jerseyan has at some point given in to the crave for the belly destroying burgers of White Castle. Below is a shot of our feast. Saturday we'll be heading out for a fancy dinner, but it'll take a lot to measure up to instant gratification that the castle brings.

This was one of the first places where we'd hung & pigged out together, so aside from the momentary deliciousness, it holds some sentimental value. The last time I ate White Castle, 5 burgers in to a sack of 10... my stomach decided that it hated me. This time... I am yet to feel the effects of the belly bombers (Win). This is a shot of some of the aftermath.

So this meet up was great, and I'm sure that Danielle and I will be meeting up again.

Face to Face #8: 1 friend

Friend count: 12

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Making friends on Facebook is more difficult, if not more complicated, than doing so in real life.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello readers and non-readers. Thanks first of all to anybody taking the time to click, scroll and read whatever is up here. I've recently been inspired to ramp things up a bit, and kick up the pacing of the project. Yes, working 5 days a week and grad. school part time makes it tough to schedule things regularly... but I've decided to do the best that I can in spite of that. I'm posting and attempting to set up meet-ups a lot more now. I'm not sure how many of my FB friends peek at this blog, but if they (of YOU) do... I hope you'll consider being a part of this project when it fits into your schedule.

The next meet-ups I'm trying to set up include:
-Rock Climbing
-A Kindergarten Class Mini-Reunion
-Ice Skating
-Gallery Hopping/ Sketching in NYC
-Touring a Baseball Glove Factory

As always, if anyone is up for a meal or coffee and convo, I'd love to set that up as well!

Hopefully I'll have more to report soon!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

They DO exist!

I've been getting more into hiking over the past couple of years, and soon hope to add rock climbing to my list of hobbies. I'm sure by the end of this project, there will have been several activities I undertake that some will not have expected. Thanks to Enjoy :)

Now we're talking!

A buddy of mine from high school just hit me up on Facebook and asked if I was up to go rock climbing, as this is a true passion of his. THIS is the kind of thing I've been hoping for since beginning the blog/project! I have to make the room in my schedule, but will be getting back to him asap, and hopefully hanging from a high, vertical surface sooner than later.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

To friend, or not to friend...

These were some thoughts I jotted down a few months back, and am just deciding to post now. I've recently had some conversations about the topic with friends, and have gained some new insight/perspective which makes thinking about it even more interesting. Anyway, I've decided to post the thoughts, because they are part of my thinking that directly involves/impacts this project, and incase someone is actually interested enough in this project or topic to care... here they are. Again, my thoughts may change, and may HAVE changed in certain respects, but this was running through my mind, and I'm curious what other people think.

As I get deeper into this project/experiment, and deeper into Facebook... I'm starting to notice some things.
the obvious thing I'm noticing is that I will always have more "friends". I've debated about and eventually deleted some "friends", because of how ridiculous it seems to me to have people i don't know or don't "really" know as my "Facebook friends." if we are just going to be digital pictures listed alphabetically on each others pages and never talk or hang out... why bother? Maybe it has something to do with me attempting to try to get closer to a giant number of people that i hope that i actually do care about already, and feeling that these other potential 8th degree of separation friends are going to clog the pipeline to face to facebook friendship success. I can't say for sure.

What I didn't expect or think about was that I am also one of those friends for any number of other people that i have an interest in, in some sense. I don't do it often, but at times I'll come across a person that i don't know at all... and think... oh wow... they know so and so? or so and so knows them... somehow??? maybe we can be friends too!!! click click.... friend requested. it happened today, I wont say with who... but i just stopped myself after attempting to add this person and thought... am I a jerk for not accepting other people because I don't know them, then hoping that someone i don't know will accept me?? And I hope I'm not a jerk, at least not for that reason. This is why I think as jerky as i can be for other reasons... this MAY not be one. I don't expect other people to friend me, or to accept my request, if i don't know them... or if i don't know them "well enough." If someone is disappointed or mad that i didn't friend them... I keep thinking... who am I?? Am I that important for some people? My posts are never profound or particularly interesting to anyone that does not know me, or know me well enough to get my humor, at least i strongly believe that to be true. So if you are mad at me for not clicking accept... I am genuinely confused as to why... unless you're just mad that you don't have another plus one on your friend counter... I know those things can become like lava lamps... watching them move up and down. I think from now on I will send a message with requests to people that i don't know at all, because that would definitely make me feel better about and more inclined to accept someone that I didn't know.

New Arena

Another meet up! I know... I'd almost forgotten about it too! As terrible a job as I'm doing of keeping pace with this project (to finish it by the chosen date), I still get really excited and happy each time I do get to meet up face to face with one of my friend (or... 'friends' as the case may be).

The case in this case... is my friend... Case.

I've known OF Caseen since he articulately presented the morning reports in middle school. He is a couple of years behind me, but we were in school together for most our time in school. We also are both Rutgers alum, and ran into each other a few times while there. Now we are both teaching in the same district we attended school. Caseen teaches high school english. He is also very involved with the theatre (performing and directing), and heads up our towns main theatre company. Writing all of this now, and reflecting on our meet up, I realize that we do have many things in common. Case even pointed out that many people in town get the two of us confused quite often. We decided to head to one of the classic Hackensack haunts, The Arena Diner. We had breakfast, and discussed everything from time travel to tube vs. flatscreen tvs, to 80's nostalgia, to budget cuts, to Pee Wee Herman. That's right... Pee Wee Herman. It turns out, not only is Case a director and star of the stage, but he is an author, with an awesome, intriguing and controversial book in the works about... Pee Wee's Playhouse. He told me all about the in's and out's and the process he's going through to get his book finished and published. Honestly... the story of writing the book, may be as interesting of the story inside of the book! He's talking with people who've worked on the show in every capacity, celebrity guests and he is a flashing, beeping red dot on the radar of the man himself! Great stories there too. We also talked about Facebook, and the troubles of denying or adding certain 'friends'. Thanks to Case I'll be taking a close look at the feature that allows one to limit the access other 'friends' have to one's page. As we talked about... there are DEF some instances where this is appropriate. Also discussed, the iPhone as a perfect and essential device. Caseen made a good case (I promise I tried to avoid the pun!) for his love of the technological cultural zeitgeist that is the iPhone. I maintain my slight aversion, but Caseen has made me peek from a different perspective (As long as he doesn't try to sell me on the iPad... we're cool). Good time, good laughs, good food, good... goodness. I'll be following his progress on the book, and definitely will look to speak/hang with Case again.

Face to Face #7: 1 friend

Friend count: 11

Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh shoot!

Another great meet-up! I'd become a little frustrated with how difficult it'd been to get these meet-ups going, so posted on the FB page a list of activities I wanted to try. One of the activities was shooting (not hunting... just shooting), and one person responded right away! My new-ish buddy Dave.

Dave and I met a few months ago when I was doing a few poems as an opening act for my close friend Lindsay, who was performing a one woman show in NYC. We went out afterwards with Lindz and some friends for a bite. Enter the great connector... FB. Dave and I found out after becoming FB friends, that we had another mutual friend (whom I'd met up with at my first meet up for Face to Facebook) Laurie. We've all been planning to hang out again, and after this weekend... we may be armed when we do.

This was my first time shooting, and Dave's first time in a long while. We talked about the wonderful eclecticism of NYC, and how one could head down a few blocks to visit art galleries, walk a few more and take some improv classes, then a little further and start locking, loading (safety on... then off) and shooting. We shot .22 caliber rifles. There was a short class first which was enjoyable and informative in itself. We talked about the interesting dichotomy we became a part of, which saw the seasoned, armed regulars, waiting outside for the wide-eyed eclectic mix of gun greenhorns. There were about 14 of us altogether, and we shot... a lot.

We both thoroughly enjoyed the experience and are planning on making our way back sooner than later. Dave is an actor living in NYC, who used to live in Illinois. Very cool and down to earth, and an excellent shot! I did very well. Dave... might actually be contracted by the CIA at some point. Afterwards we went to City Bakery for a quick bite and some convo. We talked and he explained a bit to me about the craft of acting. We talked about the Oscars, Avatar, District 9, Avatar, James Cameron and... Avatar. We are fans... yes. I'm looking forward to shooting the breeze (and targets) again with Dave. I'm sure we'll link up again in the not-so distant future, whether guns are involved or not!

Face to Face #6: 1 friend

Friend count: 10

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I deleted someone today. I just looked at the 300 + number that continues to grow and thought to myself "That's a lot of people to meet..." That was the thought that started it all anyway. I thought there had to be at least a few people that I've accepted that I truly, actually don't know. I can't stand the FB spammers. The fake friend invites alerting me that someone found me via friend finder. Oh... and they really don't have any other friends yet, and everyone that is a friend has commented asking "Do I know you" So there was this guy... who had an actual page complete with friends and a full profile... who worked for a company that I knew of. Did I know the guy??? Honestly... I'm still not sure! So today... this morning... I bid him adieu. I didn't feel bad about it. I guess it's silly to think that one might. It was a mini-catharsis. I don't know you man... we wont be hangin out. Enjoy FB and your other hundreds of friends! Then again... I know that I've been given pause when noticing that my number of friends has been reduced by 1. I'm still trying to figure out why that mattered to me even for a second. Maybe it's because it could have been someone that I care about (to any extent) that was saying that they were ok without being in touch with me. So there is 1 off of the list. Back to the actual "friends". Hope to see some of you soon!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back in the swing :)

Last night was awesome! Danielle and I had dinner with Jessica and Sean. We really had such a great time, that not only am I looking forward to hanging out with them again, but I am re-energized and inspired to set up more Face to Face meets soon!
Granted... it's already halfway through January... and I'm still under 10 friends met... so I need to be getting a move on anyway... but still... inspired!

I remember Jessica best from middle school. We would walk home together often with the same group of kids. I always thought Jess was very cool, but we were never very close friends. We shared a connection with some kids and a bench on an island in the middle of a few crossing streets, but that was about the extent of our friendship. She and my girlfriend Danielle have actually been close friends for a very long time. Here again FB jumps in and intervenes. The two of them hadn't gotten together in a while, and were looking to do so. Kismet? Works for me! Jess works in the city, has two beautiful 'poots' (cats... for those unaware), has a new knee, and loves Rufus Wainright! We share that love... though she trumps me big time, to this I will concede.
We met up with Jess and her boyfriend Sean for dinner, then went back and hung out over their place for a while. I believe it's safe to say that we all had a really good time, some really good wine, and some great laughs. Her boyfriend Sean and I discovered a mutual appreciation for video games, and the fact that we both lived in the same house during our college years (not at the same time... that would make it odd if we didn't know each other). We were also at the same concert (same time this time) at Rutgers.

As per my own rules... I can not count the hang-out with Sean, because we were not FB friends already. I really enjoyed talking with the dude though, and we found we shared quite a few things in common. Additionally, we all agreed that this would not be a one time thing, so I look forward to throwing him up on the blog after our next outing. We've thrown a ton of ideas out for next time, and I can't wait to see where we end up.

Face to Face #5: 1 friend

Friend count: 9

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

2009 is gone and done with. Welcome to 2010 everyone. I'm very excited at the prospect of this new year, new day, new chance.

It has been a while since my last update/meet-up, and I can feel the pressure slowly starting to build for what will be a truly ambitious undertaking this year. The meet-ups so far have been great, and I've really appreciated that some people seem to be genuinely interested what is going on. Although I can already feel mounting pressure from work, and every other aspect of my own life, I really want to press forward with this attempt.

I think that so far I've learned a few things... or am beginning to think about a few things in a different way, and hope that I will learn something soon from these experiences. As soon as I'm a little more concrete about that, I'll share them with you.

Have you made any resolutions? I haven't officially. However, I am starting things out with new resolve, and so far... the first 8 hours and 38 minutes of 2010 are going right according to plan! Hopefully this keeps up. Hopefully the meet-ups pick-up.

That said, my last meet-up happened over the holiday break.

I got to chill with my cousin Chimar. Chimar lives in Atlanta, where several of my other cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmother live. As we've always lived several states apart (Chimar used to live in Minnesota) we have not spent much time talking or hanging out with each other apart from certain family functions or holidays. This break, we got a little more time, and had a little more to talk about. The main conversation we had was about getting and staying healthy (Part of which will consist of buying a Health Master Emulsifying Juicer... yessss!). Chimar has recently been changing his diet and working out more, which I happen to be trying to do as well. The conversation didn't last for hours, but afterward, I really did feel challenged and inspired to jump back into my regimen and keep working. Chimar is very cool, low key, and apparently disciplined. He's gotten great results so far. Next time we meet up, I'll have some positive results of my own.

Face to Face #4: 1 friend

Friend count: 8