Wednesday, April 7, 2010

To friend, or not to friend...

These were some thoughts I jotted down a few months back, and am just deciding to post now. I've recently had some conversations about the topic with friends, and have gained some new insight/perspective which makes thinking about it even more interesting. Anyway, I've decided to post the thoughts, because they are part of my thinking that directly involves/impacts this project, and incase someone is actually interested enough in this project or topic to care... here they are. Again, my thoughts may change, and may HAVE changed in certain respects, but this was running through my mind, and I'm curious what other people think.

As I get deeper into this project/experiment, and deeper into Facebook... I'm starting to notice some things.
the obvious thing I'm noticing is that I will always have more "friends". I've debated about and eventually deleted some "friends", because of how ridiculous it seems to me to have people i don't know or don't "really" know as my "Facebook friends." if we are just going to be digital pictures listed alphabetically on each others pages and never talk or hang out... why bother? Maybe it has something to do with me attempting to try to get closer to a giant number of people that i hope that i actually do care about already, and feeling that these other potential 8th degree of separation friends are going to clog the pipeline to face to facebook friendship success. I can't say for sure.

What I didn't expect or think about was that I am also one of those friends for any number of other people that i have an interest in, in some sense. I don't do it often, but at times I'll come across a person that i don't know at all... and think... oh wow... they know so and so? or so and so knows them... somehow??? maybe we can be friends too!!! click click.... friend requested. it happened today, I wont say with who... but i just stopped myself after attempting to add this person and thought... am I a jerk for not accepting other people because I don't know them, then hoping that someone i don't know will accept me?? And I hope I'm not a jerk, at least not for that reason. This is why I think as jerky as i can be for other reasons... this MAY not be one. I don't expect other people to friend me, or to accept my request, if i don't know them... or if i don't know them "well enough." If someone is disappointed or mad that i didn't friend them... I keep thinking... who am I?? Am I that important for some people? My posts are never profound or particularly interesting to anyone that does not know me, or know me well enough to get my humor, at least i strongly believe that to be true. So if you are mad at me for not clicking accept... I am genuinely confused as to why... unless you're just mad that you don't have another plus one on your friend counter... I know those things can become like lava lamps... watching them move up and down. I think from now on I will send a message with requests to people that i don't know at all, because that would definitely make me feel better about and more inclined to accept someone that I didn't know.

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